How to Not Get Tired While Running

how to not get tired while running

Knowing how to not get tired while running can help to improve your endurance and help you go farther with each workout. Here are steps to boost your endurance.

If you’ve recently taken up a running routine, you may find yourself feeling very winded very quickly after you begin your runs. And of course, this can be understandably discouraging. Still, before you assume that you’re simply too out-of-shape to be a runner, there are a few simple strategies you should try to get more out of your runs before the exhaustion kicks in.

Be Aware of Your Pace

How to not get tired while running
You’ll be able to run for much longer if you’re aware of your pace

One of the biggest mistakes runners make (especially new runners) that can lead to premature exhaustion is simply running at the wrong pace. Often times, this means pushing yourself too hard early on in your running workout. The end result is that you’ve used up all your energy before you’ve made it very far.

The next time you lace up your running shoes, then, consider lightening up your pace. To do this, it can be helpful to understand the so-called Rating of Perceived Effort (RPE) scale. Specifically, this scale ranges from 1-10, with a light run at 50% of your maximum heart rate ranging from a 2-4 and a vigorous run at your maximum heart rate being a 10.

In general, it’s best to keep your RPE at the low-to-moderate range throughout the majority of your workout. Incorporating an occasional burst of a higher RPE can be a great way to challenge yourself and burn more calories—but you’ll be able to run for much longer if you’re aware of your pace.

Watch Your Diet

How you fuel your body can also have a major impact on how much energy you have during your runs. This is because your body draws on a supply of glycogen during cardiovascular workouts (like running), which refers to glucose that has been stored as energy. If you don’t have enough glycogen stored, you’re going to hit that proverbial “brick wall” more quickly.

What’s the best way to fuel your body with glycogen before a long run? It’s really as simple as eating a meal that’s high in carbohydrates, lean proteins, and fats. Some examples include whole-grain bread, granola, Greek yogurt, and smoothies.

Keep Yourself Hydrated

In addition to eating the right foods, it’s also imperative to keep your body properly hydrated not just before a run but during and/or after a workout as well. This is often easier said than done, as drinking too much water before your run can lead to disruptive pit stops along the way.

As a general rule, it’s a good idea to have at least one large glass of water before you embark on your run. This will help to provide your body with the hydration it needs to avoid muscle cramping, fluid loss through sweat, and other things that can cause fatigue.

If you’ll be going on a longer run, you may want to load up on liquids with extra electrolytes. This may include a sports drink or bottle of water that has been fortified with electrolytes, as this will help your muscles retain the hydration they need to power through your run.

Listen to an Energizing Playlist

Listen to an Energizing Playlist
High-tempo music “increases the benefits of exercise for physical fitness”

Believe it or not, listening to the right music while running may have a direct impact on your endurance! Specifically, studies have shown that high-tempo music “increases the benefits of exercise for physical fitness and reduces the perceived effort involved.”

With this in mind, if you’re not currently listening to music as part of your running workouts, now may be a good time to give it a try! Meanwhile, if you have been listening to music while running, you may want to consider revamping your playlist to add some higher-tempo tunes.

Improve Endurance With Interval Training

One of the most effective ways to gradually increase your endurance is to embark on an interval-training program. Specifically, interval training means alternating between periods of high energy exertion and more restful periods while running. The idea here is that this type of exercise can improve blood/oxygen circulation throughout the body, which can, in turn, enhance your endurance over time.

If you’re interested in trying interval training in your own running workouts, try to start gradually and be sure to give yourself at least one “rest day” in between sessions. You’ll also want to begin with shorter high-intensity periods (no more than one or two minutes) and longer rest periods before working your way up.

Know (And Respect) Your Limits

While there’s nothing wrong with wanting to increase your endurance as a runner, it’s also important to listen to your body. You don’t want to push yourself too hard or overdo it, as this can result in injuries that will only set you back from your long-term goals.

The Final Word on How to Not Get Tired While Running

The right pace, fuel, and even music can make all the difference when it comes to reducing fatigue while running. Be sure to give some (or all) of these tips a try for yourself to see how much farther you can go before getting winded!

FAQs About How to Not Get Tired While Running

How to run the PACER test without getting tired?

To improve endurance during the Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run (PACER), be sure to prepare with a light meal that is high in carbohydrates and healthy fats. You’ll also want to take the time to properly stretch and warm up to achieve the best results.

How to not get tired when running in soccer?

Eating a carbohydrate-rich meal before a soccer game and keeping yourself hydrated can help you avoid fatigue while running in soccer. Likewise, performing aerobic breathing exercises in between plays can help improve oxygen circulation throughout the body, which may provide a small energy boost as well.